Monday, September 13, 2010

Feminine Concept Laptops

This 'HP' laptop concept is an oval shaped, bright pink laptop which immediately reminds you of femininity. The makeup and nail compartment also reinforces the idea. The screen even switches to a mirror when turned off. However the layout is still very standard.

The colours of this 'HP' laptop make it quite youthful. I don't think it would be very good for serious business meetings, although it folds up to look like a briefcase, which is a bit contradicting.

The clear plastic allows this HP concept laptop to very customizable because when you change the lights on the screen/keyboard it looks like the whole laptop is a different colour.

The floral patterns on this laptop make it feminine and accompanied with the green colour, gives it a very earthy feel.

The floral pattern, the curved design and the petite size is what gives this laptop its feminine feel. The shape almost makes it feel like a CD case.

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