This laptop looks really sleek and professional. The screen stretches right to the edges to utilize space and the keyboard is touch screen which also adds to the professional look.
This looks like quite a small laptop, but I like the way the edges have been cut to give it more of a geometric feel.
I really like how the keyboard has cut out shapes, it makes it visually interesting. I also like the curved edges and the slight bit of bright colour.
The way the screen stands up by utilizing the base of the laptop is a good idea, however you would have to make sure it was quite light so it wouldn't be damaged if it fell over.
I like the shape of this laptop however I think it would make viewing things difficult because of the split screen.
The screen on this laptop slides out to reveal a touch screen keyboard. I like the way it curves slighty, it makes the form look more interesting.
This laptop looks like an old typewriter. Although it would be quite bulky I think it is quite interesting because of the way the keyboard pulls out like a drawer and the screen pulls up.
This is a gaming laptop that pulls out to make the screen bigger so your gaming experience is enhanced.
The colour of this laptop makes it look very professional and I like the way that the screen and the keyboard can seperate. The keyboard is really flat which makes it more portable and the stand feature for the screen is a really good idea. You could stand it up to display pictures or slideshows for meetings.
I like the colour of this laptop, I think the white and grey makes it look very clean. I also like how the screen folds over to make it a tablet.
This is a travel laptop, It is extremely compact and folds up into a small bag that has a map on it. I also like the way the screen has a small curve in it.
This laptop has a screen that when turned off looks like just a glass panel. This makes it look really interesting and visually appealing.
This is more of a desktop concept but I like the way the screen is framed on the sides and then left open at the top.
In regards to the first laptop, the screen swivels and with the second laptop, the screen pulls up and out. Both of these make it extremely easy to show people your screen and share your work, and makes it more versatile.
'Canvas' can be used as a tablet and a laptop - you pull the screen out and up. Looks really simple to use however the layout is very typical of your everyday laptop (not very original).
The 'B-membrane' is operated by a touch keyboard which lights up a turquoise colour when turned on. The overall design is very alien-like. Instead of using an actual screen it projects a screen onto any flat surface.
The 'Siafu' concept notebook is designed for the blind. It uses brail and images are converted into 3D shapes on the laptop.
This is called the d-roll laptop, it's a really unique concept that has been thought about a lot. The screen is pulled out of the tube and the keyboard is a really interesting shape. It also has a handle to carry it around.